Argo revives with more than a respectful eye
19 April 2019
Amcor and GSK win Alufoil Trophy with packaging machine CAM (Partena)
31 May 2019
– pre-set adjustment-free filling recipes available upon format change-over, a filling system based on physical depression;
– this vacuum based filling system ensures that the filling is constant in time even inside glass bottles (which have different dimensional tolerances). This is an effective choice in the cosmetic market where the aesthetical aspect of the final packaging is one the most important aspects to be considered.
The capping group of the T105 consists of 8 rotating spindles. Each spindle, synchronised with the orientation and feeding caps’ group, picks and places/screws the cap onto the bottle. A magnetic clutch interrupts the rotation of the spindle when the pre-set closing torque is reached.
Advantages of T105:
– Independent spindle closing torque settings;
– Capping head height setting via servo motor controlled via HMI.
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